Gorga's Thoughts Quatre: "No Worries on the 6 Train"

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Well, I'm a bit behind with this one.

And I tried a whole lot of new things here. Tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Something about this one really works for me. It clicks in format, in the way you rendered your photos, everything. It works just as easily as a single page, but it also seems like it could be one page from a longer book.

I also like the idea of you on a train talking to a drawing. It feels like a really great story, an unemployed writer talking unknowingly to the creations of his own mind in his everyday life...not that I'm implying you're crazy, or anything.

Jon Gorga said...

Well, we are all everyday making the story of our lives through memory and narrative.

Whenever anyone puts themselves in a story, they've forced their memory of an event to fit a format. By doing that the woman did become a figment of my imagination and, in a sense, I am talking to myself!

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